Registration for the Teachings of H.E. Kyabje Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche in Kyiv is open
Registration is mandatory: http://eepurl.com/gwVyML
H.E. Kyabje Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche is the head of Ripa Line of Buddhist Vajrayana tradition (Nyingma school). He’s one of the most respected and established teachers of modern Vajrayana.
The uniqueness of H.E. Kyabje Namkha Drimed Rinpoche is that he is now the only living Terton – discoverer of Terma Teachings that were hidden by the legendary Padmasambhava, who brought Buddhism to Tibet in the 8th century AD. At the moment, there are eight volumes of Terma Teachings discovered by H.E. Kyabje Namkha Drimed Rinpoche.
Kyabje Namkha Drimed Rinpoche will come to Kyiv accompanied by his son, Dungse Lhuntrul Dechen Gyurme Rinpoche, who is also a Master of Vajrayana, a master of rituals, a wise mentor who has been giving teachings around the world for many years.
During the visit of the teachers to Ukraine, empowerment and teachings of Dorje Drolo will be granted. The eighth emanation of Guru Rinpoche is known as Guru Dorje Drolo. Dorje is Tibetan word for vajra that can be translated as “indestructible.” Drolo means “ultimately,” or “insanely wrathful,” and is sometimes translated as “crazy wisdom.” So the name of the eighth emanation of Guru Padmasambhava is “Indestructible Crazy Wisdom.”
The main teachings during their visit to Ukraine will be practice of Dorje Drolo – one of the forms of Padmasambhava, which he was choosing to eliminate external aggression and particularly difficult obstacles when needed.
Dorje Drolo is the best practice for removing mental and emotional obstacles. Dorje Drolo is also a very special and powerful emanation to help clear away and dispel complex webs of mental and emotional obstacles. Guru Rinpoche appeared in this form to liberate sentient beings from anger and attachment.
People who feel mentally unstable or unhappy for no apparent reason would benefit from practicing on Dorje Drolo. Even though everything is fine, sometimes the mind still doesn’t feel comfortable, relaxed, or at peace. This is when practicing on Dorje Drolo is especially relevant and useful. It will help calm and balance the mind.
Like all other emanations of Guru Rinpoche, Dorje Drolo is a manifestation of wisdom. His rainbow body is dark red in color. In his right hand he holds the nine-pointed vajra, in his left hand he holds Phurba – a magic dagger made of meteoric iron. His whole appearance manifests the power of transformation that no one and nothing can withstand.
But all the power and light of Kyabje Namkha Drimed Rinpoche and Dharma will be embodied in the ancient ritual of Phurba (ritual dagger) blessing. In the hands of Teacher of such a level it helps to remove any obstacles in the way of people whose main values of life are kindheartedness, empathy and spirituality. Everyone who visits the ritual will personally receive the blessing of Rinpoche! People travel to Tibet, India or Nepal just to get this blessing
August 31 (Sat):
10: 00-13: 00 Phurba Blessing / Kyabje Namkha Drimedd Rabjam Rinpoche
14: 30-16: 30 Teachings of Dorje Drolo / Lhuntrul Dechen Rinpoche
September 1 (Sun):
10: 00-13: 00 Dorje Drolo initiation / Kyabje Namkha Drimedd Rabjam Rinpoche
14: 30-16: 30 Teachings of Dorje Drolo / Lhuntrul Dechen Rinpoche
Registration fee for 2 days of the teachings:
before 07/08/2019 – 1800 UAH
from 07/08/2019 until 30/08/2019 – 2400 UAH
during the teachings – 2600 UAH
The recommended registration fee for Phurba Blessing is 800 UAH (if you plan to attend only this part of the program).
The adjustment of the 50% discount applies for: members of Ripa Sangha who regularly make donations, pensioners, disabled people, ATO participants and their family members. Children under 12 years old – attendance is free.
All funds received will be used exclusively to cover the costs associated with the teachings.
The proposed organizational fees cover less than half of the current event expenses (such as the cost of visas, tickets, accommodation and meals for a delegation of seven people, room rental, translation costs, etc.). The teachings will happen due to the kind support of Ukrainian and international sponsors, but the funds received are still not enough to cover the budget.
We will be grateful for any sponsorship help and help of volunteers. Please call +38 (050) 388 77 18 (Vera) if you want to make donation or volunteer.
Event team works on a volunteer basis.
Registration for the program is MANDATORY http://eepurl.com/gwVyML
After you pay, please be sure to write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:
• date
• transfer time
• amount
• your and participant’s name and surname
This will allow us to identify payments and reserve a place for you.
Mercure Kyiv Congress, 6 V.Getman Street, block “С”, 5th floor, “Spielberg” hall, underground/metro station “Shuliavska”.
+ 38 (066) 328 73 46
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Phurba Ritual is for everyone, regardless of religious preferences. To receive a personal blessing of a Teacher of such a level is a great fortune and a chance that happens not to everyone.